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Habitat Malgache




Le Gouvernement tibétain en exil situé à Dharamsala met tout en oeuvre pour rénover la maison de retraite JAMPALING.


DEPARTS, grâce au Voyage en Inde et à vos dons, les aide dans cette démarche.


Lors du voyage, le Gouvernement Tibétain nous reçoit pour le Don Solidaire, lors de cette journée, nous pouvons avoir un échange réel sur leurs besoins, au jour d'aujourd'hui,  le projet est d'aider à la rénovation de cette Maison de Retraite JAMPALING afin que les personnes âgées puissent decemment y vivre. Il y a aujourd'hui 156 résidents, 14 personnels. Beaucoup de ces personnes  n'ont plus de famille du à l'exil.




Le Gouvernement Tibétain nous envoie des rapports sur l'avancée de la rénovation. La rénovation des salles de bains, toilettes, chambres et de la salle commune a été réalisée.




Plus de précision en anglais : (extrait du rapport envoyé par le Gouvernement Tibétain)

Project back ground:

This project will help all needy elders of Jampaling who come from Tibet who have left their families and beloved one in Tibet and had served most of their life in Indian army and Tibetan community for over 30 years in exile. After retirement from the service, they are once again left alone and in capable of living a family life as they do not have any family members with them in exile. It includes all those elderly who are unable to earn their livelihood due to old age and with no one to rely on. Jampaling Old People's Home provides food, shelter and medical facilities to such aged people residing there in order to ward off any kind of hardships in their last years. This very project brings lot of help to the elders as the major problems are in terms of drainage system, bed rooms  and bath room which are in very bad shape adversely the impacting the health and comfort of the elders.


Output of project:

  • Improved the better living standard of elders.
  • Elders are enjoying hygiene and clean environment and they can feel that they are at their home.
  • To improve health of the elder inmates of the Home
  • Positive impact on the health and general environment of the OPH


The renovation of Jampaling Old people home was successfully completed with funded by many donors including DEPART ASSOCIATION. This very project is very helpful and directly benefited to the elder's health and environment of OPH. On behalf of Department of Home and OPH Jampaling would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our donor for financing towards this project.


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